Akura Malice

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Akura Malice
General information
FactionAkura Family
First AppearanceSkysworn
HomeWestern Ashwind Continent

Rank and Position

Akura Malice is the Matriarch and Monarch of the Akura clan. She presides over one of seven Monarch factions. Her lands and vassals cover slightly more than half of Ashwind continent — the western half, including the Blackflame Empire. The main control hub of the Labyrinth is in her territory, also, in Sacred Valley.

Early Life

  • Malice was named for the trait her family wanted to promote in her, because in infancy she lost her entire family to an attack
  • Akura Malice had not been a Monarch during the Dread War, but she had seen the memories of others.” (Reaper, ch 1)
  • She manifested the Shadow Icon as a Sage, and uses her Authority to try to read the future


  • She protects her family, the Akura clan
  • Her vassal-state rulers respect, fear, and obey her, including emperor Naru Huan of the Blackflame Empire, and the Seishen Kingdom king
  • She is loosely allied with Northstrider, but he’s an independent Monarch
  • Occasionally she can call on help from The Beast King and other Heralds and Archlords of the Wasteland (Reaper)
  • Her mortal enemy is the dragon faction, led by dragon-boy Monarch Seshethkunaaz
  • Her newest mortal enemy is Reigan Shen


"She was beautiful, with a full figure and the poise of a queen. She wore a rich, black dress of silken fabric hung with a web of delicate silver chains, as though she had been draped in the world's most expensive spiderweb. Each of those chains bore fat amethysts, which flashed in the light streaming from above. One silver chain wrapped around her forehead, holding the largest amethyst over her eyes. Her hair flowed down to the small of her back, darker even than the night surrounding her. It hardly looked like it was made from real strands, but from liquid smoke or boiling shadow. Her hair billowed behind her, twisting and curling with a mind of its own. Her skin was pale, her lips painted black. At least, Mercy had always assumed it was paint. And her eyes blazed with pure, endless purple light. [...] Her nails had been painted the same purple as their bloodline armor... or maybe they had crystallized that way."


  • ”She had far more talent in reading the future than he [Northstrider] did, the Shadow Icon being more connected to fate.” (Reaper ch 1)
  • Hear her name spoken anywhere in the continent, an ability of Monarchs
  • Expanding purple armor — see Bloodline Abilities
  • Reverse a person from near-death, rebuild lifelines, untangle a mangled spirit, etc
  • Touch the Way and use it to travel
  • Ascend


Akura Malice has many children, and she habitually gives birth to more. She chooses her consorts from people with talents or bloodline abilities she values, but the father usually has no contact with the child. She is at least 500 years old, and she has a child every 4 or so years. However, only the children who inherit enough of her power are her true children.

Her known and accepted descendants are the Akura head family, including Akura Charity, Akura Fury, Akura Mercy, Akura Pride and Akura Justice.