Frozen Blade School

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The Frozen Blade School is one of the larger vassal factions of the Akura clan on the Ashwind continent.[1] They are led by Min Shuei, the Winter Sage.[2] A team representing the School competed in the 18th Uncrowned King Tournament.[1]

Members of the School follow the Path of the Frozen Blade, wielding ice and sword madra. They typically wear pale blue sacred artist's robes, often adorned with white.[2] The School rules over a large region, primarily responsible for defending it from outsiders and maintaining peace. The Winter Sage's personal headquarters consist of a hut complex at the foot of a mountain range within their territory, a place full of sharp formations of ice and ever-present freezing wind. Only sacred artists of Truegold or higher can visit the headquarters proper, as anyone lower would fall victim to the elements.[3]

Notable Members
