Ozmanthus Arelius

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[INFORMATION RESTRICTED] Ozmanthus Tiberian Mereithan Arelius

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Beginning Report.

Ozmanthus Tiberian Mereithan Arelius
Eithan by Kandra.png
General information
PathPath of the Hollow King
RankJudge 008 - The Reaper
IconsBroom & Death
FactionAbidan | Twin Star Sect | Grand Patriarch of House Arelius
First AppearanceSoulsmith
HomeRosegold Continent

Ozmanthus (Eithan) Arelius is the Grand Patriarch of House Arelius, and the Eighth Judge of the Abidan Court.

Grand Patriarch

Ozmanthus is the ancient Founder of House Arelius. He lived about 4500 years ago — but this is a guesstimate. It is certain that he lived before the development of the Dreadgod problem. He advanced to become Monarch of the Rosegold continent. Today, his family line is well-respected, with — until recently — vast holdings on the Rosegold continent. His descendants have traveled to set up Arelius family branches all over the world, on every continent, including Ashwind, and the Blackflame Empire. They are known by their yellow-blond hair, blue eyes, and keen sense of awareness via their detection madra (Bloodline Abilities).

“House Arelius used to rule over most of the Rosegold continent, before the tragic death of the Monarch Tiberian Arelius only eight years ago. But his descendants are still a force to be reckoned with, leaving branches on every continent!” (Uncrowned, ch 16)

His Descendants

Current members of the family are Eithan Arelius, Cassias Arelius, Gaian Arelius, Cladia Arelius / Sage of a Thousand Eyes, and the recently assassinated Monarch, Tiberian Arelius. Etc, etc. See House Arelius for more names and details.


An absolute virtuoso child prodigy with keen insight into the sacred arts. He amplified his natural aptitude with research, study, exploration and experimentation. Arguably the best soulsmith in the history of Cradle. After some unknown but tragically sad occurrence, he forged prototypes of Penance, his weapon of absolute destruction, and his symbol of repentance (see Soulsmithing)

His Bloodline Legacy

Ozmanthus developed a bloodline inheritance for his descendants.

He focused on another of his talents: his sight. When he advanced to Monarch, he developed the bloodline ability to see. Ozmanthus was so relieved that he wept. This was the ability that he wanted to define his legacy. And he would leave his descendants with the ability to see as he did, to one day catch up to him. (Reaper ch 2)

Eithan spoke through another yawn. “My father used to say the First Patriarch could watch over his descendants from another continent. Maybe even from. . .beyond the grave.” Eithan waggled his eyebrows up and down. (Blackflame ch 7)


  • Born into a working family without life’s luxuries. Loved his mother. Felt protective towards his family, and eventually his own children
  • Strove to leave his descendants with his legacy “senses” / the Arelius Sight. See Bloodline Abilities
  • Curious, bold, daring
  • Sad to leave his friends behind as he advanced quickly in childhood
  • It seems he wasn’t the nicest person on Cradle, as an adult, and when he was Monarch of Rosegold continent. In book 10, when the team is in the Labyrinth meeting ghost-memories of Oz, Yerin says she likes Eithan more than his arrogant ancestor, Ozmanthus
  • Apparently, Ozmanthus was a bulwark of determination, skill, and strength, but some tragedy left him feeling like a failure, and remorseful.


Little is known. Long yellow-blond hair. Blue eyes.

Bio Brief

Ozmanthus Arelius was an incredibly gifted child. At Copper he possessed a level of insight and understanding far beyond his peers. He designed his own Iron Body and Path. He manifested the Broom Icon at Underlord and went on to become one of the greatest Soulsmiths of his day. He discovered The Labyrinth where he forged some of the deadliest weapons to ever grace Iteration 110. As a consequence, he manifested the Death Icon. Upon his advancement to Monarch, he developed the infamous Arelius bloodline ability, the ability to See. After this he ascended; but he left behind a measure of his power in a beacon. His hope was that one of his descendants would find this beacon and follow in his footsteps.

As Ozriel

Upon his successful induction into the Abidan, Ozmanthus passed his compatibility tests with flying colors and it became clear that he could inherit the Mantle of any Judge except one, Suriel the Phoenix. He joined the third division and was named the successor to Telariel in record time. He and his fellow spiders encountered a Vroshir ambush and Ozmanthus was the sole survivor. This bothered him, he could have saved them if he had a weapon powerful enough. So, he made one, he combined many Judge-Tier weapons along with one of his own creations and created the Scythe. He became the avatar of true Destruction. The Court of Seven were in awe. They decided to name him Ozriel The Reaper: Eighth Judge of the Abidan Court.

Ozriel’s job became the reaping of worlds. His Scythe could cull a world so efficiently that there were no Chaos fragments left to threaten other iterations. Once a world became corrupted and the adept population evacuated, Ozriel would destroy the iteration. This allowed the Abidan to expand to thousands of worlds. But with every iteration he destroyed, with every life he ended, the weight on Ozriel’s soul grew bigger and bigger until eventually, it became too much. He begged the court to allow him to raise up his own Division. Reapers that could intervene in Fate and remove corruption at the root before the world was lost. But the Court apposed this, especially Makiel, thus forcing Ozriel to continue reaping.

Eventually the weight on Ozriel was too much to bear and he deserted the Abidan. He knew he couldn’t hide forever, but he needed a break; He needed time on his own. He looked into fate and discovered the planets that would be corrupted next. On these planets he left people and items of cultural significance. Enough to restart the cultures of this planet on a pioneer world. It was in one of these worlds where he was confronted. The Mad King had just so happened to choose this world to test his new creation. The origin shroud; a veil so powerful that even Ozriel didn’t recognize him at first.

Powers and Techniques

Employed pure destruction. As Ozmanthus, he was hard to beat. As Ozriel, he is pretty much top of the trees, a nonpareil.