Wandering Titan

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The Wandering Titan is one of the four escaped Dreadgods on Cradle. It’s Dreadgod cult members belong to Abyssal Palace.

The Four Beasts

The Weeping Dragon, the Wandering Titan, the Bleeding Phoenix, and the Silent King. Plus, the imprisoned first Dreadgod, Subject One

“They are...disasters. Four monsters, big enough to blot out the sky, hungry for destruction, and so powerful that the most advanced sacred artists in the world have to join forces to drive them off. Drive them off, you understand. None of the Dreadgods have ever been killed.” “They're sacred beasts?” “Corrupted ones. Like the dreadbeasts of the Desolate Wilds, they were warped and twisted by their own powers.. .They're scattered all over the world. They burrow into a secure location and wait for decades...but when they wake up, they're hungry. Fortunately for humanity, no two have woken at the same time in centuries. But the last time they did, they destroyed the original Blackflame Empire.” (Skysworn, ch 7)

Dread Wars

A Monarch cannot withstand a Dreadgod. In the Dread Wars, the previous generation of Monarchs was all but eradicated, with only 2 out of 12 surviving following a combined attack on the Wandering Titan, which woke up the rest of his brothers.


About two or three thousand years old, each of the four free dreadgods were “born” of a dreadbeast experiment, long after the time Ozmanthus Arelius lived. It was a failed experiment to control hunger aura. They were created accidentally by a researcher, later dubbed Subject One, in the Labyrinth under Sacred Valley. All four beasts escaped, but Subject One is imprisoned beneath the valley.


  • Too powerful for anyone on the planet to kill. Even Monarchs cannot kill it. Thankfully, it sleeps a lot.
  • humongous stone warrior with the shell of a tortoise and the tail of a monkey. It carries a sword.
  • Big enough to scale mountains with a step and to flatten peaks to rubble
  • Can hold Orthos in its hand like a small toy car.



It creates landslides, avalanches, rockslides, earthquakes, spears of stone spires, etc etc

But, like all four monsters, the Titan tires easily and just wants to feed and sleep. Or, as Dross tells Ziel, “Dreadgods don’t fight to the death. If the prey takes too much energy to beat, they back off.” (Bloodline ch 18)


Hunger and earth, stone madra, maybe.


The Wandering Titan is followed by members of the Dreadgod cult aptly named Abyssal Palace.

Mount Venture, Sacred Valley

The residents of the valley appear to know nothing of the dreadgods, except for maybe the ancient sacred beast, a snowfox called Elder Whisper. Nonetheless, the Titan’s type of aura has been associated with Mount Venture, one of the four holy peaks surrounding Sacred Valley. This is a mining area, rich in mineral deposits. The Titan is drawn to the core placed deep beneath the mountain.