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 <title source="title1">
   <default>Wei Shi Lindon</default>
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   <label>Iron Body</label>


Wei Shi Lindon Arelius is the primary protagonist of Cradle. He was born to the Shi family of the Wei Clan in Sacred Valley and was considered Unsouled due to a madra deficiency. Currently, he is training with the Akura family in preparation for the Uncrowned King tournament as an Underlord sacred artist on the Path of Twin Stars and the Path of Black Flame.


Lindon is a tall man with a brawny physique. He often looks like he is spoiling for a fight with his rough face, tall build and broad shoulders. He has black hair and dark brown eyes. His eyes turn black with red irises when he cycles Blackflame madra.

After losing his arm, he obtains a misty prosthetic created through Soulsmithing. The prosthetic uses a hunger binding taken from the Ancestors Spear that allows it to consume madra, but due to its nature as Remnant he needs to cycle madra through it to solidify it and allow it to interact with solid inanimate objects.

After advancing to Underlord, his features smooth out. His prosthetic remnant arm takes on the shape of a normal arm though it maintains its ivory white color. He also Forges the Archstone into his arm in order for the Gold Level prosthetic to survive the transition into the Lord Realm once washed in soulfire.


Lindon is very polite and deferential due to growing up as an Unsouled, by far the least valuable member of the clan. Because of his madra deficiency, he was treated with mild scorn within his clan. Without power, he was considered to be inconsequential at best and a little better than a punching bag at worst. In response to this treatment, he cultivated a very humble attitude demonstrated by his habit of always referring to himself as “this one” which seems to imply that he is so low as to not deserve recognition. This demeanor, though, has also made it easy for him to hide his dangerously clever mind without even intending to do so.

Lindon has a keen interest in Soulsmithing, his mother's profession. He is very focused on advancement due to his time as weak and his vision from Suriel about the future calamity in Sacred Valley. He is relentless in his goal to save Sacred Valley, no matter the cost.

During his time in the Wei Clan he was also forbidden from learning any manner of sacred arts as well as utilizing any clan resources for advancement. Lindon searched desperately for ways to improve himself on his own, doing whatever it takes to move forward. He relies on plans, tricks, and loopholes to get ahead.

Lindon is kind and caring, sometimes to the point of naivety due to unfamiliarity with the world outside of Sacred Valley.



Lindon is the youngest child of Jaran and Seisha, Irons of the Wei clan. In his youth, Lindon failed the Spritual Origin madra affinity test and was labeled an Unsouled, cursed of the heavens. As such he was forbidden to learn the Sacred Arts of the clan and was denied a path. His clan refused to invest resources to help him advance due to this deficiency. As a result he remained at the Foundation rank long past the age when children advance to Copper.

Prior to the Festival, Seisha sent Lindon to find the white orus, a spirit fruit. A normal orus fruit was like a pure white peach, and grew only in Sacred Valley. Fruit from an ancestral orus tree looked no different, but a bite would deliver him years' worth of purified vital aura that he could process into madra. As Lindon began to harvest the spirit fruit, Teris soon emerged from the woods, hair mussed and covered in scratches. He was hunting a snowfox, which was illegal. Angered that Lindon had interrupted his hunt, Teris punched the bark and leaving the imprint of his fist in the wood. The tree bent in the middle, splintered and fell apart. As a result, a remnant rose from the tree’s corpse. Immediately, Teris ran deeper in the woods without a glance back. Lindon used scripts and a crystal flask to distract the remnant and retrieve the spirit fruit from the remnant. Seisha was able to restore the remnant of the spirit fruit and split it between Kelsa and Lindon.

Soon, Lindon and Teris were called before the First Elder to recount the confrontation. Since Teris had abandoned a child of the Foundation Stage, he was to receive three lashes. Lindon, however, was to speak with Elder Whisper. Elder Whisper told Lindon that the Path of the White Fox was not for him and Lindon would have to forge his own path. During the public whipping of Wei Mon Teris, Wei Mon Eri challenged Wei Shi Lindon to a duel of honor before the entire clan. Lindon was forced to accept the duel to surrender.

Lindon spent his time scouring the Clan archives searching for a suitable path. There he found a book called, "Heart of Twin Stars". The book taught two techniques, Empty Palm and Heart of Twin Stars. Since Lindon would be shamed in the duel regardless of the outcome due to his age and deficiency, he and Kelsa devised a plan. Lindon would challenge Wei Mon Keth, Teris and Eri's father. Lindon requested a duel in which each party would have one strike each. The first to lose his footing is defeated. Lindon quickly executed the empty palm and punched Keth in the gut. Immediately, Lindon surrendered the duel.

During the seven years festival held by the Wei Clan, Lindon was a victim of a temporal divergence. Due to the nature of this event, he ended up meeting Suriel, the Phoenix, Sixth Judge of the Abidan Court. Suriel had taken an interest in Lindon after seeing him give his life in what he knew to be a futile effort to stop a being who had transcended Cradle, Li Markuth. She admired his actions and, as something of a reward, showed him his most likely fated future. During this vision, Lindon discovers that Sacred Valley would be destroyed by a Dreadgod (the Titan) a being so powerful that it crushes the entire valley underfoot. Desperate to save his home, despite his treatment, Lindon begs the “Celestial Messenger” to show him a way to prevent this tragedy from occurring. In response, he is taken by Suriel to see several individuals (The Eight Man Empire, The Monarch Northstrider, and Luminous Queen Sha Miara) stating that they each had the power to save his homeland. At first, this is believed to be the answer to his question but he is proven wrong as Suriel asks him what they have in common. Unable to come up with the correct answer he is told that it boils down to one simple thing: Drive. “...any Sage will tell you that all paths can be reduced to one: Improve yourself.” Thus begins Wei Shi Lindon’s journey. After time was reversed by Suriel, he easily won the tournament, via his Empty Palm, and went to the Heaven's Glory school, only to leave almost immediately after with Yerin after killing several irons and a jade.


After escaping from the Sacred Valley, Yerin and Lindon enter territory of the Sandvipers. Again, they soon leave, and enter Fisher territory. Yerin does jobs for the Fishers, such as helping them kill off remnants, while Lindon is recruited by Fisher Gesha to forge scales for her due to his pure madra. Lindon is captured to work in the mines but is immediately rescued by Gesha, who says it won't happen it again. Lindon attempts to free the slaves working in the mine, but gets captured for real this time, as does Yerin. Eithan is also 'captured' though he actually came willingly. Lindon undergoes a lot of training, and after being stung five times by the venomous sandviper, ascends to iron with a Bloodforged body. Soon, Eithan gets them out, but Lindon is severely injured by Kral, but because of his iron body, survives, and kills Kral after Eithan reveals that Lindon was still alive to him. Jai Long demands retribution but after Eithan revealed that he was the Arelius Underlord, backs down, but Eithan promises Jai Long a duel in a year. With this, Lindon and Yerin are healed by the Fishers, and taken to the Arelius family.

This ends up pushing Lindon to stretch himself past his limits which leads to him killing a Highgold as an Iron later on. In doing so he accidentally enters into a feud with Jai Long who, having made a difficult and irreversible choice to save his sister, was shamed by his clan and had looked at his fellow Highgold as something of a brother.


Lindon goes to the Blackflame Empire and embarks one of his pure cores on the Path of Black Flame. Eithan shows him various powerful paths, before he settles on the Path of Black Flame. Eithan has Lindon bond with a Truegold Sacred Beast, named Orthos. This allows Lindon to instantly have a core producing Blackflame madra and advance to Jade. He then begins training with Yerin. After several months, the Arelius family within the city Serpents Grave is attacked. While under attack, Lindon and Orthos are forced to fight the chief of the Sandvipers and Kral's father, Gokren. Lindon's newly mastered Dragon's Breath takes his arm off. Just before this, he advanced to Lowgold, though he doesn't realize it. While this fight is going on, Yerin is fighting Jai Long. Jai Long is Truegold while Yerin is Lowgold, though she advances to Highgold during the fight, and due to the circumstances within the city, Jai Long is forced to retreat. After fighting and killing the Sandvipers with Orthos, Lindon sees a bloody and bruised Eithan. Eithan jokes that his ranking amongst the Underlords would soon go up, as a Skysworn was watching the fight. Eithan also shares that he had a marble from the Abidan, which is similar except for having a darker, black color.


Lindon fights with Jai Long. He also loses his arm in the fight, which leads to him getting a prosthetic Remnant arm.


Lindon, Yerin, Mercy, Renfei, and Bai Rou are sent on a mission to a pocket dimension known as 'Ghostwater'. Ghostwater was created by the Monarch level sacred artist 'Northstrider'. Northstrider is said to have vanished many years beforehand and is believed dead. The skysworn send Lindon and the others to investigate the status of Ghostwater and potential retrieve any useful artifacts left behind by Northstrider.

Upon arriving at the portal to Ghostwater, Lindon, Orthos, and Renfei enter alone and are taken by surprise to find a large number of unknown Truegold sacred artists waiting by the entrance portal. Renfei is then killed by one of the Truegolds revealed to be Akura Harmony. Lindon and Orthos flee the battle and are pursued by Ekeri, a Truegold golden dragon. Lindon takes refuge inside an underground vault wherein he discovers a pool known as 'The Dreamwell'. Water from The Dreamwell restores ones mental clarity as if they had just had a full nights rest. Inside The Dreamwell Lindon discovers a sentient construct named 'Dross' which guides him through the rest of Northstrider's facility.

Lindon takes advantage of the time with the dreamwell to train far faster than he is typically able, since he does not have to sleep when using the dreamwell as a supplement. He also discovers that the sacred beasts that live in Ghostwater provide extreme benefits to his physical body when eaten, due to their extremely high Madra concentrations. After being strengthened by Dreamwell training, and Sacred fish, Lindon is able to defeat Ekeri in a battle and escape The Dreamwell chamber.

Led by Dross, Lindon and Orthos proceed to another section of Ghostwater where Dross leads them to 'The spiritwell'. This well provides Madra on level with a top grade elixer and allows Lindon to quickly expand both of his cores. Within days, Lindon reaches High Gold in both cores. They are then met by 'Ziel' a Truegold disciple of the Beast King. Ziel proves to be relatively friendly to the group, and passively watches Lindon cycle and train using the Spirit Well, occasionally driving off a Sacred Beast threat. Ziel then tells Lindon that Ghostwater is collapsing more and more rapidly and encourages him to move on to the next section so that he may escape in time. He then gives Lindon several bottles of Spiritwell water that will be enough to advance him to Truegold.

Lindon proceeds to the next section of Ghostwater where he encounters 'The Lifewell'. He drinks from the Lifewell and strengthens his Lifeline to be 'as thick as a treetrunk' which will ensure Lindon will live an extremely long natural life and increased vitality.

Lindon then proceeds to the lowest level of Ghostwater where he confronts Akura Harmony. After a heated battle, Lindon and Orthos are able to defeat Akura Harmony after Dross uses Ghostwater to connect himself to The Wey, and essentially become 'a Presence'.

Lindon begs Akura Harmony to come with him as Ghostwater collapses. Harmony, too proud to accept Lindon's mercy vows revenge and refuses to come with him. Lindon then flees Ghostwater, leaving Harmony to die.


Lindon heads to the Blackflame Empire to regroup with Eithan.

Powers and Abilities

As an Unsouled, Lindon effectively started two stages behind most Sacred Artists, further limited by the natural restrictions and the "curse" of the Sacred Valley and without a natural predisposition towards any of 4 classes of techniques.

Scripts: Due to his natural and clan-imposed limitations, Lindon's only avenue of practicing the sacred arts within his clan was through scripts. While not particularly talented, he has shown some versatility in using them and moderate skill in drawing them.

Heart of Twin Stars: While at the Foundation stage, before cycling elemental vital aura from the world, Lindon split his core.

  • Pure Madra: Composed of pure madra.
  • Blackflame Madra: Composed of fire and destruction madra.

Soulsmithing: Pure madra gives Lindon solid overall compatibility with most constructs, although with a weaker effect than specialized madra types.

Lil' Blue: A Sylvan Riverseed. Originally fed madra and scales by Lindon, her growth is rapidly advanced by Eithan feeding her a drop of soulfire. Her natural purification abilities drain her, but can counteract the corrosive effect of Blackflame madra on the mind, body, and madra channels.

Orthos: Lindon's contract with Orthos allows him to fill one of his cores with Blackflame madra, lessening the his burden. Due to Orthos being a Truegold, this allowed Lindon's Blackflame core to quickly advance from Iron to Jade and later to Lowgold, as if his core was treated with high grade elixirs.

Remnant Arm: By activating the hunger binding on the arm, Lindon can draw out madra from the enemy. In a less concentrated form, he can then vent it back at them as a distraction.

Dross: The remnants of one of Northstrider's attempts in Ghostwater to create mental enhancement tools and mimic the Presences of the Abidan. Originally created as a memory construct, Dross has gained further abilities through soaking in high grade mental elixirs, consuming dream madra, and fusing with an Eye of the Deep. He temporarily connected with the collective of information at the metal tree in Ghostwater, gathering data from other Eyes of the Deep that had been taken through the world.

In combat against an enemy with well-known, recorded, fully defined capabilities, Dross can simulate and create a battle plan that ensures the greatest chance of success. He also acts as general mental enhancement, allowing Lindon to better focus on battle. While Soulsmithing, Dross can simulate the effect of madra interactions, allowing Lindon's soulsmithing success rate for straightforward constructs to exceed that of experts like Fisher Gesha.

Sacred Art Ranks

As a Sacred Artists progresses through the ranks, they naturally gain access to certain abilities

  • Foundation: At the Foundation level, Sacred Artists can cycle madra to slightly strengthen their body or activate scripts.
  • Copper: Copper Sight
  • Iron: At the Iron level, Sacred Artists gain an Iron Body that increases physical abilities. Lindon's Bloodforged Iron body, catalyzed using the venom and blood from nearly have a dozen sandvipers, enables rapid healing and recovery from poisons and physical damage at an extremely high madra cost.
  • Jade: Jade senses
  • Gold: Lindon advanced from Jade to Lowgold using a further infusion of Blackflame Madra from Orthos, without a remnant. He lacks a true Goldsign beyond red eyes when channeling Blackflame Madra
  • Underlord: Reborn in Soulfire, Lindon's body is able to push farther and he is able to activate Underlord-level weapons.


Foundation Cycling Technique: A basic cycling technique taught to Foundation-level children of the Wei clan.

Empty Palm: A pure Madra technique that focuses it into a simple palm thrust. When making contact with the core of an enemy, it disrupts his or her madra. This leaves the enemy powerless for a few seconds, unable to muster the energy to control any techniques or even their own limbs. When sufficiently powerful, it can destroy the core of an enemy, preventing them from even leaving a remnant.

Heaven and Earth Purification Wheel: A madra cycling technique focused on expanding madra capacity. Eithan teaches Lindon this technique as it is vital to training his pure madra core, which cannot advance through taking in vital aura from the outside world.

Burning Cloak: The Dragon Advances. The Fierce Outer Burning Robe technique is an Enforcer technique. It is a basic full-body Enforcement using Blackflame Madra, protecting and powering the body by madra while in use. It allows for the release of explosive force of movement.

Dragon Breath: The Dragon Destroys. The Fierce River of Fierce Flowing Breath technique is a Striker Technique. Blackflame madra is gathered in the hands, rotated, and condensed repeatedly until being released as a solid beam that eradicates everything in its path.

Void Dragon's Dance: The Dragon Conquers. In one moment, the flames devour everything on the battlefield, leaving only smoke and dust. Like many Ruler techniques, it is capable of great destruction, but requires appropriate vital aura in the environment, and time to build and concentrate on the vital aura to take control.

Soul Cloak: An Enforcer technique utilizing Lindon's pure madra core. Compared to the Burning Cloak, it allows for more measured power output.