Silent King

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The Silent King is a huge white tiger, one of the four free Dreadgods on Cradle. Its Dreadgod cult are the Silent Servants.

The Four Beasts

The Weeping Dragon, the Wandering Titan, The Bleeding Phoenix, and the Silent King. Plus, the imprisoned first Dreadgod, Subject One

“They are...disasters. Four monsters, big enough to blot out the sky, hungry for destruction, and so powerful that the most advanced sacred artists in the world have to join forces to drive them off. Drive them off, you understand. None of the Dreadgods have ever been killed.” “They're sacred beasts?” “Corrupted ones. Like the dreadbeasts of the Desolate Wilds, they were warped and twisted by their own powers.. .They're scattered all over the world. They burrow into a secure location and wait for decades...but when they wake up, they're hungry. Fortunately for humanity, no two have woken at the same time in centuries. But the last time they did, they destroyed the original Blackflame Empire.” (Skysworn, ch 7)

Dread Wars

A Monarch cannot withstand a Dreadgod. In the Dread Wars, the previous generation of Monarchs was all but eradicated, with only two out of twelve surviving, following a combined attack on the Wandering Titan, which woke up the rest of his brothers.


About two or three thousand years old, each of the four dreadgods were “born” of a dreadbeast, long after the time Ozmanthus Arelius lived. This was a failed research experiment to control hunger aura. The monsters were accidentally created by Subject One in the Labyrinth under Sacred Valley. They escaped.


See Reaper, ch 23

  • White tiger, about the size of a house.
  • Halo around its head, probably dream or light aura.
  • Smaller and weaker than the other three Dreadgods.
  • The most aware of the dreadgods, the clearest thinker
  • Hungry


Aspects: Light. Dream. Hunger. (Probably)


Hungry, like all the dreadgods. Employs dream madra. Creates vast webs of communication with sacred artists and remnants, across vast areas. Clear thinking.

  • Perhaps similar to the Fox Fire Path developed by Elder Whisper, but superior. Also, probably illusions.
  • The power of a strong mind and will, maybe:
    • "Its will drew tight, more potent than ever, and the wills of everyone in its kingdom focused as well. Some died of exertion, blood running from their eyes, but most could handle this slight burden of will." (Reaper chapter 23)

But, like all four monsters, the Silent King tires easily and just wants to feed and sleep. Or, as Dross tells Ziel, “Dreadgods don’t fight to the death. If the prey takes too much energy to beat, they back off.” (Bloodline ch 18). Maybe. Maybe this one stays awake, thinking, running his communication network, extending his will (or a mind-control web??)

His Subjects

Deep in the jungles of the Everwood Continent, the Silent King crouched in its den. Unlike its siblings, the King had never lost use of its mental faculties. It would have been impossible to control dream madra otherwise. It was its body that had suffered. It had never carried as much devastating destructive power as the others, and was only as big as one of these human houses.. .
The Silent King’s mind was rarely focused on its own body. Even now, it tended to its mental web. Its subjects filled the jungle for hundreds of miles. They lived in cities, talked, joked, created art. Remnants crept by newborn sacred beasts and both traded respectful nods. Neither should be as intelligent or aware as they were, but thanks to their King, they could live up to their full domain. In these lands, there was true peace. But this was as far as its domain would ever extend. The thought filled it with fury. . .(Reaper, ch 23)

Typical Location

Everwood Continent -- it's been warded there for a long time

Enemy - Emriss Silentborn

Emriss Silentborn had earned her title for two reasons. First, she had a long history with the Dreadgod known as the Silent King. Second, trees were notoriously quiet. She was used to reading meaning in silence.(Reaper, ch 25)

The Silent King has been stuck on Everwood continent for some time, where Emriss Silentborn reigns. He is bound there, contained by her roots and her script circle, which is powered by her madra. He seeks revenge on Emriss Stillborn, and to spread his peace throughout the world. (Reaper, ch 23)


His Dreadgod cult is called the Silent Servants. Their mouths are bound, in silence. Little is known yet.

Mount Samara, Sacred Valley

This Dreadgod is associated with Mount Samara in Sacred Valley. Its halo of light/dream aura is similar to the halo around Mt Samara. A Path based on dream /light aura was developed in the valley, by Elder Whisper, an ancient sacred snowfox. This Path is followed by Wei Shi Kelsa, for one.